How to Embed Video

Please follow the directions below to learn how to embed videos to your page

Locate the video you want to use. You may then place it on your desktop. Right click on the icon to display the video's properties. Note the name, file extension and the height and width of the video.

Now you are ready to open your web developer and begin to enter the "video tag." In this demonstration the web developer is Notepad. Begin the video tag and set the dimensions of the video (height and width) Then the "source tag" is started.

This step includes adding the video extension to the "source tag". This helps your browser locate the file.

Before closing the "source tag" add the type of file. In this case it is an mp4. At this point the video should load to your web page. However, there is one more step.

This last step will give the viewer of the page and video more control in viewing the video. A Boolean attribute value is added to the end of the "video tag." In this example a "controls" attribute, one of the most common, is added giving the viewer a control display for start and volume. The html file can now be saved.